Exterior Renovations
We didn’t plan to replace the roof, but anyone who has renovated a home knows those unexpected costs sometimes are for the good. Now looking back, the roof was in pretty bad shape. Once the back of the A frame was removed to replace a sagging laundry room, we found rot under the roof. In December, 2018 our Christmas gift to each other - you guessed it.
One roof later, the next decision was the exterior color. Tricky right? What goes well with a blue roof? After a few rounds (read: many) at the paint shop and asking way too many friends, we settled on a PNW color combo that set off the roof and blended in with the surrounding woods.
A new deck, lights and new French doors brought Wander up to modern day living.
In 2020 we’ll continue to landscape around the cabin filling in the area by the deck with native plants.